
We use special shipping lines for each country; we do not use E-Packet or EMS China. As we know, fast shipping delivery is the ultimate key to winning customer trust and building a reliable business.

Customer expectation

63% of online shoppers expect fast delivery

63% of online shoppers expect fast delivery, no matter when or where they shop. Fast shipping is not just a motivation – it's an expectation.

Accordingly, consumers will shop in places that meet this expectation, and if you’re not there, you’re drastically limiting your potential audience.

Repeat customers

Repeat customers contribute 43% of a typical online store's revenue

Satisfy your customers faster.

It’s incredibly important to engage and satisfy your customers after purchase, as it makes them more likely to come back and buy from you again, and also recommend your store to friends and family.

Shipping Partner

Our Global Shipping Partner

We are currently working with more than 30 lanes for order shipping. We constantly seek good prices for our customers.